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Alex Forester, Spirit Sounjaneer, Jack of all Trades/ Crafty Kid at Heart.

In short, the eternal creative essence of the infinite universal source flows and channels through me like the ripples of a soft wading river. If you have an artistic outlet/project/business endeavor  that needs some new light, then you've come to the right place my friend. Luckily  I'm incredibly open minded to new people in life, and will never turn down a new opportunity for friendship/partnership, especially when it comes to Art. This is something I hold so supremely sacred, it's the entire essence  of my being. The consciousness attached to the physical vessel you see before you is only alive to do art  and to create beauty and inspire others to reach their own full potential. The only magic  left in this world is art, so let us see what we can do into our onesness. Collaboration is the only uniqueness left. So lets unique the burn  together. This is my purpose and my being, One I hope we can Share. Welcome & I hope you are intrigued by what you perceive  here.

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